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 Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Issued June 2011

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Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Issued June 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Issued June 2011   Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Issued June 2011 EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 3:18 pm

Attached please find the following documents regarding The Taxation Laws Amendment Bills, 2011:

- Media Statement (see paragraph 2. on page 2)

-Explanatory Memorandum (see paragraph 2.4; page 18-20 and paragraph 2.5; page 20-24)

The Draft Bills ,2011 are available at
Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Issued June 2011 AttachmentMedia Statement.pdf
Media Statement (see paragraph 2. on page 2)
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Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Issued June 2011 AttachmentExplanatory Memorandum.pdf
Explanatory Memorandum (see paragraph 2.4; page 18-20 and paragraph 2.5; page 20-24)
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Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2011 Issued June 2011
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