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 FA News/ Institute of Practice Management Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011

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2 posters
Forum Admin

Posts : 94
Join date : 2011-03-30
Age : 54
Location : Johannesburg

FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 Empty
PostSubject: FA News/ Institute of Practice Management Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011   FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 EmptyMon May 23, 2011 8:12 am

You can't eat an elephant in one sitting!
• Have you started preparing for the RE exams? Remember, you won't be able to operate your business if
you, your representatives or your key individuals do not pass!
• Have you attended a workshop or watched a DVD, but now face the challenge of studying pages of
notes alone and unsupported?
• Cannot find the time or discipline to study for an hour each day over two months?

Our RE study solution – a first in SA!
• A crash course in FAIS and the regulatory exams during a morning workshop with graphic, visually
appealing material that provides a foundation and framework for your RE studies.
• An Internet-based study programme that builds on the workshop foundation and framework and takes
you through all the relevant learning material step-by-step so you study incrementally for 1 hour every
day over 2 months.
• A practical approach to learning: instead of trying to memorise reams of information, learn by answering
relevant questions! All the required learning material is broken down into more than 1,000 practical
questions, checked and moderated by financial planning law expert, Wessel Oosthuizen of the
University of the Free State.
• Practice writing multiple choice exams: test your progress at any time by doing a 50 or 80 -question
multiple choice mock exam – the 1,000 questions are scrambled by an algorithm for every mock exam and
your answers – correct or incorrect - are reviewed to highlight the correct answers.
• Get the confidence to write the regulatory exam once you have achieved 80% in the mock exams.

"How to eat the regulatory elephant" RE solution details
• The cost for the workshop is R150 per person (excl VAT) and includes a Regulatory Exam roadmap.
Booking and confirmation is essential.
• The Regulatory Academy course subscription for the Internet-based study programme will be discussed
when you attend the morning session.

Conferencing @ Softline

Eastern Entrance: 102 Western Services Road, Gallo Manor Ext 6, Johannesburg, 2191
Western Entrance: 56 Lotus Road, Gallo Manor Ext 6, Johannesburg, 2191

26 May 2011

Click here to register to attend!

Author, practice management specialist and FSB FAIS Supervisor trainer, Johann Maree (BA.LLB), is a qualified compliance and practice management consultant with more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. He is the co-founder of the Institute of Practice Management and Intelliflow Practice Management Solutions, and co-author of Business Management for Financial Planners, recently published by Juta's.
7h00 to 08:00
08:00 to 9h00

9h00 to 09:10
09:10 to 10:15
10:15 Light breakfast
Introducing RE
outcome and legislation
Comfort break
FAIS, FICA and Exam prep
Close / Coffee / Tea

Contact the Institute of Practice Management or e-mail for more info

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gerald kahn

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-04-06

FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Do You have a course for the KI exam   FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 EmptyMon May 23, 2011 8:52 am

Forum Admin wrote:
You can't eat an elephant in one sitting!
• Have you started preparing for the RE exams? Remember, you won't be able to operate your business if
you, your representatives or your key individuals do not pass!
• Have you attended a workshop or watched a DVD, but now face the challenge of studying pages of
notes alone and unsupported?
• Cannot find the time or discipline to study for an hour each day over two months?

Our RE study solution – a first in SA!
• A crash course in FAIS and the regulatory exams during a morning workshop with graphic, visually
appealing material that provides a foundation and framework for your RE studies.
• An Internet-based study programme that builds on the workshop foundation and framework and takes
you through all the relevant learning material step-by-step so you study incrementally for 1 hour every
day over 2 months.
• A practical approach to learning: instead of trying to memorise reams of information, learn by answering
relevant questions! All the required learning material is broken down into more than 1,000 practical
questions, checked and moderated by financial planning law expert, Wessel Oosthuizen of the
University of the Free State.
• Practice writing multiple choice exams: test your progress at any time by doing a 50 or 80 -question
multiple choice mock exam – the 1,000 questions are scrambled by an algorithm for every mock exam and
your answers – correct or incorrect - are reviewed to highlight the correct answers.
• Get the confidence to write the regulatory exam once you have achieved 80% in the mock exams.

"How to eat the regulatory elephant" RE solution details
• The cost for the workshop is R150 per person (excl VAT) and includes a Regulatory Exam roadmap.
Booking and confirmation is essential.
• The Regulatory Academy course subscription for the Internet-based study programme will be discussed
when you attend the morning session.

Conferencing @ Softline

Eastern Entrance: 102 Western Services Road, Gallo Manor Ext 6, Johannesburg, 2191
Western Entrance: 56 Lotus Road, Gallo Manor Ext 6, Johannesburg, 2191

26 May 2011

Click here to register to attend!

Author, practice management specialist and FSB FAIS Supervisor trainer, Johann Maree (BA.LLB), is a qualified compliance and practice management consultant with more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. He is the co-founder of the Institute of Practice Management and Intelliflow Practice Management Solutions, and co-author of Business Management for Financial Planners, recently published by Juta's.
7h00 to 08:00
08:00 to 9h00

9h00 to 09:10
09:10 to 10:15
10:15 Light breakfast
Introducing RE
outcome and legislation
Comfort break
FAIS, FICA and Exam prep
Close / Coffee / Tea

Contact the Institute of Practice Management or e-mail for more info

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Forum Admin

Posts : 94
Join date : 2011-03-30
Age : 54
Location : Johannesburg

FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: FA News/ Institute of Practice Management Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011   FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 EmptyMon May 23, 2011 10:39 am

gerald kahn wrote:
Forum Admin wrote:
You can't eat an elephant in one sitting!
• Have you started preparing for the RE exams? Remember, you won't be able to operate your business if
you, your representatives or your key individuals do not pass!
• Have you attended a workshop or watched a DVD, but now face the challenge of studying pages of
notes alone and unsupported?
• Cannot find the time or discipline to study for an hour each day over two months?

Our RE study solution – a first in SA!
• A crash course in FAIS and the regulatory exams during a morning workshop with graphic, visually
appealing material that provides a foundation and framework for your RE studies.
• An Internet-based study programme that builds on the workshop foundation and framework and takes
you through all the relevant learning material step-by-step so you study incrementally for 1 hour every
day over 2 months.
• A practical approach to learning: instead of trying to memorise reams of information, learn by answering
relevant questions! All the required learning material is broken down into more than 1,000 practical
questions, checked and moderated by financial planning law expert, Wessel Oosthuizen of the
University of the Free State.
• Practice writing multiple choice exams: test your progress at any time by doing a 50 or 80 -question
multiple choice mock exam – the 1,000 questions are scrambled by an algorithm for every mock exam and
your answers – correct or incorrect - are reviewed to highlight the correct answers.
• Get the confidence to write the regulatory exam once you have achieved 80% in the mock exams.

"How to eat the regulatory elephant" RE solution details
• The cost for the workshop is R150 per person (excl VAT) and includes a Regulatory Exam roadmap.
Booking and confirmation is essential.
• The Regulatory Academy course subscription for the Internet-based study programme will be discussed
when you attend the morning session.

Conferencing @ Softline

Eastern Entrance: 102 Western Services Road, Gallo Manor Ext 6, Johannesburg, 2191
Western Entrance: 56 Lotus Road, Gallo Manor Ext 6, Johannesburg, 2191

26 May 2011

Click here to register to attend!

Author, practice management specialist and FSB FAIS Supervisor trainer, Johann Maree (BA.LLB), is a qualified compliance and practice management consultant with more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. He is the co-founder of the Institute of Practice Management and Intelliflow Practice Management Solutions, and co-author of Business Management for Financial Planners, recently published by Juta's.
7h00 to 08:00
08:00 to 9h00

9h00 to 09:10
09:10 to 10:15
10:15 Light breakfast
Introducing RE
outcome and legislation
Comfort break
FAIS, FICA and Exam prep
Close / Coffee / Tea

Contact the Institute of Practice Management or e-mail for more info

HI Gerald, have spoken to Johann from the Institute of Practice Management. He advises that there is a specific course available for KI's...please contact him on
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FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: FA News/ Institute of Practice Management Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011   FA News/ Institute of Practice Management  Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011 Empty

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FA News/ Institute of Practice Management Online Mock Exams 12 May 2011
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